and after...

...but only thanks to the hard work of volunteer groups like Greyhound Rescue & Rehab (GRR) of Cross River, NY.
For every comment posted here, I will donate $1 to GRR (up to 100 comments, and $.50 per comment beyond that.) I will leave this post up through Tuesday night.
In addition, you are encouraged to go to the GRR site and make you own donation and put "panthergirl" in the memo field of the PayPal form. The commenter who donates the most to the GRR site will win a $30 gift certificate at Jakk's Magic Bean Workshop., donated by wonderful blogger Jul of the Day. She makes gorgeous pendants and you'll have trouble picking one!
Groups like GRR cannot help place the retired racing greys into their "forever homes" without our help. These athletes have worked so hard for humans...the least we can do is make sure they are loved and cherished in their retirement. (if you have any doubt about how hard these guys worked, check out this link!)
Please promote this fundraiser on your blog, or on any message boards where it might be of interest to people.
Comment away... and feel free to poke around the rest of my blog. And read more about retired racing greyhounds below. (and note...Haloscan will show "0" for comments when you repeat an old post, but when you open the comments box it will show all the comments from last year too... the only ones that will count are 2/6 and 2/7/2006...)

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