If you are living under a rock and haven't heard this story, please click the link and read it.
Basically, three high school girls (in MY district High School...yay!) were facing suspension for daring to utter the word "vagina" in an open mike event at school. They were reading from Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues and refused to compromise the piece by substituting the language with oh, I don't know, va-jay-jay?
The principal, named Dick, says this is about "insubordination" and not censorship. Ok DICK...whatever you say, DICK. I strongly suggest that you not utter your name in front of a group of high school students ever again.
In a related, but not newsworthy, story: I was subject to something similar this week at work. No, I did not say the word vagina. We use an application called "Parts" which is changing its name to "Blue". In preparation, I had some posters made that say "Does winter make your Parts turn Blue?" The legal department rejected it, saying (with a straight face) that the language was "too risque". Those dirty-minded lawyers. Mind you, I work for the company that makes that men's deodorant with the completely sexist TV commercials that run on MTV.
But, to quote Tom Petty, "I won't back down." I'm taking my cue from the Vagina Girls.
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