A few random things I need to post about today:
~First, I want to thank my friend Elle at
True Blue 4ever for including me in her cool post ... go check it out!
~Next, I've been tagged by
turboslut to do this meme that's been making the rounds in the blogosphere:
Pick five of these and finish the sentence (I'm thinking this should be used in next year's Miss America Pageant.)
If I could be a scientist
If I could be a farmer
If I could be a musician
If I could be a doctor
If I could be a painter
If I could be a gardener
If I could be a missionary
If I could be a chef
If I could be an architect ... I would change my name to Art Vandalay.If I could be a linguist ... I would be a cunning linguist.If I could be a psychologist ... I would save myself a lot of money.If I could be a librarian
If I could be an athlete
If I could be a lawyer
If I could be an innkeeper
If I could be a professor
If I could be a writer
If I could be a llama-rider
If I could be a bonnie pirate
If I could be a service member ... I would ask myself, "What the hell is a service member?"If I could be a photographer
If I could be a philanthropist
If I could be a rap artist
If I could be a child actor
If I could be a secret agent
If I could be a comedian/comedienne
If I could be a priest ... I would have a lot of fun driving the Pope crazy. If I could be a radio announcer
If I could be a phlebotomist
If I could be a pet store owner
If I could be a computer programmer
If I could be a police officer
If I could be a politician
If I could be a mom
If I could be an underwater basket weaver
If I could be a reality tv host
If I could be a forensic pathologist
If I could be a TV show writer
If I could be a dictator of a small country
If I could be an ice cream store owner
If I could be a teacher
~ And finally, I'm a participant in Jim's "Mixmania" even over at
Patriside. The basic idea is to create a CD mix, remove all the tags (any song title or artist info), and send it to someone who is chosen randomly by Jim. Then, each participant has to post the list of songs on their own blog, for the recipient to figure out who sent them a CD. Sound confusing? You're RIGHT! Anyway, here is my mix with some brief explanations:
Cry Me a River - Joe Cocker ... because every mix should include the best of the spastic rockers.
634-5789 - Jonny Lang, Wilson Pickett & somebody else I can't remember right now from the Blues Brothers 2000 soundtrack. ... because I like it, and because even though this isn't the greatest movie ever, I had a great time watching it.
Drowning in the Sea of Love - Eva Cassidy ... Love her voice. EDITED BECAUSE I MADE A MISTAKE...I thought for some reason that she had committed suicide, but learned that she died of cancer. Sad, either way!
Spooky Girlfriend - Elvis Costello ... Love him. Have seen him live a bazillion times, including one concert at Radio City Music Hall, where an entire Indian family was in line in front of me. Mother, father, grandmother, three children and a baby in a stroller. I'm not sure if they thought they were seeing "Elvis", or maybe Abbot & Costello.
Vibrate - Rufus Wainwright ... This is just such a cool song, and it reminds me of an episode of Nip/Tuck that I loved.
New Slang - The Shins ... From the "Garden State" soundtrack, this makes my list of "Top Ten Unintelligible Songs That Make Me Cry". (ok, it's really just the "Top One".)
Somebody to Love - George Michael & Queen ... Because, well... somebody to love is a good thing.
Telephone Call from Istanbul - Tom Waits ... This is my son Lucas' favorite song and it's great.
Woke Up This Morning - Alabama 3 ... Theme from "The Sopranos", and all we're going to get until September.
Send Me on My Way - Rusted Root ... Included in "Top Ten Unintelligible Songs That Make Me Jump Around". (ok, it's really "Top One Hundred")
I Want You - Rachael Yamagata - She's like Fiona Apple, gargling. My favorite line in this song is the one about London.
Creep - Radiohead ... Because if more men in my life had been this honest it would have saved me a lot of time & energy.
Sex and Candy - Marcy Playground ... Because I like sex and candy. But candy is bad for you.
Something in the Air - Thunderclap Newman ... A throwback to my youth, and the best band name ever.
She Bop - Cyndi Lauper ... What ever happened to BlueBoy magazine, anyway?
Santeria - Sublime ... A happy little tune about shooting people and slapping women. Another dead artist.
Across the Universe - Fiona Apple ... Wait, weren't the Beatles on APPLE Records? Wow...spooky, man. This is one of my favorite covers ever. Ever.