Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Those Crazy Bloginskis

mascots and robin

So! Everyone has a job now. Micah and Karan are Team Mascots and wear funny bunny heads to work. In this scene, they have brought a friend home, but Micah has fallen asleep on the sidewalk. At the bottom of the screen you can see Robin's current state of mind.

Deni and Robin are in the military, and Deni even got a promotion on her very first day! Unfortunately, she can't cook and keeps burning things. She even caused a fire in the kitchen and the firemen had to come. Robin was so freaked out that a therapist had to be called to calm her down.

Dawn is a dishwasher and she's already managed to miss the carpool one day. However, she is becoming more popular and is officially friends with Deni!

Micah has been dreaming about Karan, Deni has been dreaming about Micah, Karan learned plumbing and fixed the bathtub. There's now a dartboard in the kitchen and a few strangers have stopped by to meet our bloggers.

Here's a picture of E.C. getting a job via the internet as a campaign worker:

ec finds job

AND here's an updated story with photos from the official site:

The Bloginskis

With any luck, I'll be creating Family #2 tomorrow... Remember, only people who have supplied me with their zodiac signs can play!

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